Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser

Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser for enhancing soils

Biologically active soils have the ability to retain moisture and release nutrients ensuring greater production, faster rotation and more rapid recovery from stress. To build a healthy biological soil we need products that can feed living organisms.

Increasing public awareness of the environmental impact of using chemical-based fertiliser has created a demand for a safe, natural and environmentally friendly fertiliser. Biological fertilisers increase nutrient availability and feed important soil organisms, such as earthworms and microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) – all essential for plant and soil health.

Soil health and soil fertility requires much more than NPK fertiliser. Without the right biology, plants and animals cannot reach their full potential. Biology is essential for the recycling of nutrients and the fixing of atmospheric nitrogen.

Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser is available in 20, 200 and 1000 litre containers.

Nutrients from the sea for healthier soils, healthier plants & healthier animals

  • Unique enzymatic production process
  • Soil biology enhancing compounds
  • A complete range of Major and Trace Minerals
  • Improves plant productivity and condition
  • Improves the health of animals
  • Non-toxic. Nil withholding period
  • Bio Gro certified input for organic production

Benefits of Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser

Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser can be used as both ground and foliar application and it benefits plants during all growth stages. It can be used as a stand alone application or in conjunction with other compatible products.

Naturally occurring proteins, oils, trace elements, amino acids, minerals and vitamins provide the nutrients required for healthy plant growth.

During manufacture, seaweed and carbon extract has been added which can enhance nutrient cycling, improve soil structure and moisture holding capacity, and boost general biological activity in soils.

Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser is Mother Nature’s fertiliser, blending multiple nutrients and trace elements from the sea that even Democritus, the Greek father of chemistry, would have been proud to create.

Application Information

Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser is suitable for all crops

We recommend 6 applications per year of 15 – 20 litres per hectare per application, or a minimum of 3 applications of 30 – 40 litres per hectare per year, initially in
September/October, then in December/January and again in April/May.

We recommend 8 applications per year of 12 – 15 litres per hectare per application, or a minimum of 6 applications per year of 15 – 20 litres per hectare per application.
Ideally twice in September/October, twice in December/January and twice in April/May.

15 – 20 litres per hectare prior to planting.
* Suggestion: During Ground Application the addition of 2kg of industrial sugar or 2 litres of molasses per hectare may help speed up biological activity response.
Dilute 1:100 as a foliar spray, apply 3 – 4 times per crop, or as required.
DO NOT spray during the heat of the day. Spray early morning, late evening or on an overcast day.

Soil drench at 10 – 15 litres per hectare over prunings, during spring flush and post harvest.
* Suggestion: During Ground Application the addition of 2kg of industrial sugar or 2 litres of molasses per hectare may help speed up biological activity response.
4 litres per hectare every 10 – 14 days. Minimum 4 applications during season.
Dilute 1:100 as a canopy application for disease control and nutrition. Apply every 10 – 14 days or as required.
DO NOT spray during the heat of the day. Spray early morning, late evening or on an overcast day.
15 litres per hectare mixed with 2 litres molasses or 2kg industrial sugar.

Important Information

Mix well prior to use. Compatible with most fungicides, insecticides, fertilisers and nutritional products. Test mix prior to application. When mixed with herbicides the fish oil in this product serves as a natural surfactant when foliar spraying.

Typical Analysis

Nitrogen 2.20%
Phosphorus 1.55%
Potassium 0.28%
Calcium 0.37%
Sulphur 0.18%
Magnesium 0.09%
Manganese 165.26ppm
Iron 123.40ppm
Zinc 72.44ppm
Molybdenum 8.50ppm
Copper 6.00ppm
Boron 3.93ppm
Cobalt 1.82ppm
Selenium 1.20ppm

Levels can vary slightly with this natural product

Manufacturing Process

The process used to manufacture Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser is an enzymatic hydrolysis of fish at low temperature. This retains the proteins, amino acids, naturally occurring vitamins, 7% to 10% fish oil (including Omega 3), and 7% to 10% hydrolysed fish bone. The addition of both seaweed and a carbon extract of humic/fulvic acid to this blend increases beneficial bacterial and fungal activity and plant nutrient availability of both calcium and magnesium.

We believe Hydrolysed Fish Fertiliser is one of the most complex and complete fertilisers produced in New Zealand. This is all designed to provide a high quality, cost effective fertiliser for use in agriculture and horticulture.

Disclaimer: As we (Fertile Fields Ltd) have no control over storage or use of this product, no liability for accident or damage will be accepted.