Kelp (Seaweed) Meal

The Kelp Solution

Modern intensive farming practices have resulted in soils with deficiencies that are reflected in the low nutritional content of grasses and grains grown on these soils, and in the health of animals raised and maintained on these crops. Lush and otherwise nutritious grasses may fail to supply the needs of animals because certain trace elements are missing. Animals have finely balanced needs for trace elements: too little produces deficiency symptoms, too much may be toxic.

The problems associated with oversupplying trace elements can be avoided by using kelp as the source because it provides trace elements in a naturally balanced form.

Kelp As A Feed Supplement

Ascophyllum Nodosum seaweed has been used for centuries as a natural source feed supplement. Today, thanks to modern processing technology, the benefits of Ascophyllum Nodosum seaweed are available in cost-effective granular form which can be conveniently added into the regular feeding program.

Ascophyllum Nodosum contains over 60 minerals and elements, more than 12 vitamins, including Carotene, Tocopherol and Folic Acid; valuable carbohydrates including Alginic Acid, Laminarin and Mannitol, as well as a full range of Amino Acids.

Click here to view a typical analysis of Ascophyllum Nodosum Kelp Meal.

Benefits of Kelp Meal

The regular use of Ascophyllum Nodosum Kelp Meal as a supplement helps increase the utilisation of all the ingredients in the complete feed ration, improving the overall health and performance of animals.

Observations by farmers and breeders, as well as controlled testing, indicate the following benefits from feeding Ascophyllum Nodosum Kelp Meal.

Dairy and Beef Cattle

  • more efficient feed utilisation, less feed required
  • increases regularity of heat cycles
  • improves rate of conceptions and healthy births
  • fewer problems caused by dietary deficiencies such as mastitis, retained placenta, milk fever, abortions and infertility. Milk fever can be averted by feeding Ascophyllum Nodosum Kelp Meal 3-4 months before calving.

Dairy Cattle

  • increases milk yield
  • increases butterfat content in milk
  • increases iodine and Vitamin A content in milk
  • minimizes production losses during stress periods
  • prolongs lactation periods
  • increases hemoglobin content in blood

Poultry – Layers and Breeders

  • increases hatchability of eggs
  • reduces blood spots
  • increases iodine content of eggs
  • increases yolk pigmentation
  • reduces coccidiosis
  • more uniform shell texture with reduced breakage
  • increased laying period in older hens


  • rapid gains for earlier marketing
  • increases loin length and size
  • larger loin eyes
  • reduces back fat
  • reduces internal parasites
  • increases litters


  • increases birth rate
  • easier lambing
  • better quality wool


  • increases birth rate
  • increases weight gains on less feed for meat goats
  • increases milk yield for dairy goats


  • increases fertility in brood mares
  • reduces incidence of cracked hooves
  • minimizes stable vices and nervous habits
  • increases resistance to infection and reduces healing time for injuries

Feeding Methods

Kelp Meal is an effective way to provide animals with a naturally balanced feed supplement. Kelp Meal can be mixed directly when the feed is ground and blended. When direct mixing is not possible, top dressing Kelp Meal onto the feed is recommended. For all range animals the free choice method is most practical.

Usage Rates

Under normal conditions Kelp Meal should be mixed in at 2-2.5% of the feed ration. Young animals should receive 1% of the feed ration.

Where deficiencies may exist or animals are under stress conditions, use at the rate of up to 5% of the feed ration.

Cattle: 55-140 gm per day; free choice for Range Cattle.
Heifers and Calves: 25-55 gm per day.
Horses: 14 gm per day.
Sheep and Goats: 2% of ration.
Swine: Free choice or 25 kg per metric tonne of complete ration.
Chickens, Broilers, Layers: 1% of total feed.